Felipe Mandarino Lima

Felipe Mandarino Lima (@felipe_lima_mirror)

Felipe is an amateur photographer from São Paulo, Brazil.  He started in photography in 2015 during a trip to Turkey.  In 2018  after his first visit to the Tate Modern Museum (London), he had the idea of creating an international collective with the objective of spreading the art of street photography made around the world.  Felipe invited the photographers Douglas Almeyda, John Castillo, Gert "The Kanzler", Eliana Pesenti, Max Agro, Eva Neukum and Geralda de Graaf to found together the hub Street Avengers (he's also a co-founder of  portrait hub "Kalopsia Collective" and streetphotography collective "Street Bsides").

Felipe studied photography at the Escola Panamericana de Artes in São Paulo and also has learned with his friends and teachers Renato Junque, Douglas Almeyda, Rodrigo Bacellar, Camila Dotta, Gabriel Cabral, Gustavo Minas and Tiago "Shiba" Ishibashi (Shiba also designed the STav's logo).

He studied how to create a photobook with the curator Éder Ribeiro and now he is a member of Éder's study group.  Participated in some exibithions as the international "Interfoto Itu" invited by curator Marcos Varanda (2019 and 2022 editions), Raw Gallery (Berlin), Porto Alegre's Street Expo Photo (2022) and was published twice by publisher "Selo Vertigem" invited by pubilsher and curator TW Jonas and the photographer and co-curator Rafa Rojas (books "Paulista" and "Imagem Vertigem  - São Paulo's Metro", both in 2022).

His photographic references are movie photography, portraits and streetphotography with passion by the work of his great Street Avengers mate Douglas Almeyda and also Ralph Gibson, Man Ray, David Lynch, Francesca Woodman, Cindy Sherman, Daido Moryiama, Mary Ellen Mark, Alex Webb, Saul Leiter, Claudia Andujar, Bruce Davidson, Guy Bourdin, Alan Schaller, Gustavo Minas, Lukas Vasilikos and many others great artists.

Felipe is also preparing his photobook called "Mirror".